Data Engineering as a Service

Does your organisation need to manage data? Do you operate databases, other data storage, data pipelines or you need to set them up? The data analysts experience performance or data quality issues they cannot cope with? You have other problems which require specific expertise which is not in your team?

Yet, you do not want to hire a full-time data engineer because you think there is not enough work for them? Your organisation is small and budget considerations play important role?

We have a Data Engineering as a Service solution for you!

How does it work?

We offer monthly service packages for a flat fee. Each package includes a given number of working hours to be used within a calendar month. We deploy a team of 2 engineers[1] to be ready to solve your data problems when needed. We guarantee response time within 1 working day and you benefit from increased bus factor[2]. The working time within the package can be used flexibly, depending on the actual needs.

If you need someone to lead your data / business intelligence team you may also look at our Fractional Head of Data offer.

Typical applications

  • Your data storage, processing or analytics systems needs supervision and maintenance.
  • You want to be sure that when a problem occurs there is always someone to fix it.
  • The business intelligence or data team introduces a new tool or technology and they want to have a subject matter expert ready to give them a hand when needed.
  • Occasionally there is a need to implement some additional features or make adjustments to the existing systems.
  • There is constant excess workload in data engineering or analytics, yet too small to justify employing someone full time.


  • The usual high quality of our work.
  • Flexibility of the development without excessive upfront commitments.
  • Reliable data engineering service at the desired capacity for a fraction of a full-time engagement costs.
  • Mitigating the risk of relying on a single person (“bus factor”).
  • Possibility to boost the productivity when needed without the delay for onboarding a new team member.


Monthly prices for the standard packages:

1 month3 months6 months
40 h package3799 EUR3599 EUR3399 EUR
80 h package7499 EUR7099 EUR6699 EUR
160 h package14699 EUR13999 EUR13199 EUR

To book simply contact us.
If you have non-standard needs, please, contact us for a customised offer.

Small print

To provide the agreed level of service we always onboard a team of 2 engineers. We won’t charge for the onboarding time of the second person if it does not exceed 25% of the total size of the package booked or 20 h, whichever is smaller. If your systems are particularly complex and the expected onboarding can take long we recommend to book more packages at once to fully benefit from our offer.

The guaranteed reaction time is 1 working day. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in Land Berlin are not considered working days. We can’t guarantee we fix the problem within a day, but we certainly will start working on it.

The unused hours cannot be transferred to the next month. The “missing” hours cannot be taken from the future months’ package.

If the actual workload exceeds the allocated package volume then we charge 120 EUR/h for the excess. However, we don’t guarantee the availability of the engineers for workload exceeding the allocated package volume (but we’ll try what we can).

We charge monthly until the end of the period you booked for.

  1. The concept of a highly efficient 2-man team is not new. See: here ↩︎
  2. Bus factor is commonly used to denote the minimum number of team members that have to suddenly disappear from a project before the project stalls due to lack of knowledgeable or competent personnel. See more on wikipedia. ↩︎